Welcome to JK Women Hospital!
Singh Rd, Dombivli (E)
JK Women HospitalJK Women HospitalJK Women Hospital
About us

JK Women Hospital

JK Women Hospital is a one of its kind facility with an exclusive focus on women’s healthcare in this area. Every woman goes through various physical and physiological changes and their health needs are different at every stage. We are committed to setting bench-marks in women’s healthcare by comprehensively catering to their health requirements through various stages of a women’s life in our spectrum of care from puberty to motherhood and beyond. Managed by passionated doctors, our vision has been shaped by women’s voices and needs. Equipped with state of the art technology, luxurious ambience and a home like environment we aim to cater to every women’s needs individually.

40 Years of Experience

JK Women Hospital is aesthetically designed spacious fully air conditioned hospital built as per NABH guidelines for total women care. JK Women Hospital is focused on catering to all the specific health needs from puberty to menopause and beyond all under one roof and team. Our hospital is super speciality hospital with multi-speciality approach. Hospital is situated 50 meters from Dombivli division of Kalyan Dombivli municipal corporation office at heart of Dombivli East and just about 200 meters from Dombivli railway station in proximity to the main bus stand.


Why People Trust Us

We understand that choosing a healthcare provider is a significant decision, and we’re honoured that you’re considering us. Here are some compelling reasons why people trust us:


Our facilities are designed to meet the highest standards and ensure patient satisfaction.

Unmatched Expertise

Our medical staff consists of highly skilled and experienced professionals who are best working professionals in their respective fields.

Precise Result

We believe that precise results are the cornerstone of informed healthcare decisions, empowering you and your healthcare.

Financial Support

We have tie up with various TPA & Insurance providing financial support & backup

Qualified Staff

Our team consists of highly qualified and experienced professionals, including doctors, nurses, and support staff.

Patient Centric

We have patient centric approach with personalized tailor made solution for each patient.
Our Vision Our Mission
To bring the worlds best standard quality care in women’s health to the door step of everyone at the most affordable prices.
It is Our mission to improve the health of those we serve with a commitment to excellence in all that we do. Our goal is to offer quality care and programs that set community standards. Exceed patient's expectations and are provided in a caring convenient cost effective and accessible manner.

Our Expert Team

Our dedicated team of passionate and experienced medical professionals works together to provide exceptional care for women throughout all stages of life.

Diploma in Pelvic Surgery and Hysteroscopy (Germany) Advance Laparoscopy/Hysteroscopy Surgery (France) Endoscopic Surgeon and Fertility Specialist

Dr. S Krishnakumar

Lactation Counsellor(MUHS), Lamaze Counsellor

Mrs. Jayashree Krishnakumar

M.Sc. (Nsg. Midwifery), MBA(HCM), MD(Alt.Med.)
Fellowship in Gynaec Oncosurgery(GCRI) Fellowship in Robotic Surgery (AIIMS) Endoscopic Surgeon, Robotic Surgeon & Fertility Specialist Training in Gynec Oncosurgery (USA & Italy)

Dr. Rohan Krishnakumar

M.S. (Ob/Gyn), DNB, FCPS, DFP (Gold Medallist)
Fellowship in Maternal & Foetal Medicine (Mediscan) Diploma in Cosmetic Gynaecology
sir mam

Dr. Niveditha Shankar - Rohan

M.S. (Ob/Gyn)
Trained in Infertility and Laparoscopy Fellowship in Minimal Access Surgery

Dr. Aditi Abhade

M.S. (Ob/Gyn)


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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)